Following the unfortunate death of George Floyd on 25th May 2020 while being arrested, the movement Black Lives Matter was born, not what you would call an edifying launch to a human rights movement given its initiation was based on alleged wrong doing.
Since then many demonstrations of pique and obversely sympathy have taken place including the destruction of statues and the daubing of paint on the memorials of British heroes.
Any good Christian will observe that all are equal in the eyes of God for it cannot be otherwise, and the personal interaction of one person to another is largely based on their integrity.
Given the fact that the percentage of black people in Great Britain is only 3% it seems odd that commercial television companies have taken it upon themselves to portray a typical British family as largely mixed race, a portrayal that to my mind is highly patronising to black people and incredulous to white people.
There are many who see this as disturbing and are raised to anger at the very thought
and would like to know who initiated this scenario.
This is not a popular move according to the many people I have discussed it with.
Interfering with nature always has its problems and I would suggest that trying to fast track any desired modification of society will have the opposite effect of what these mystery people are trying to accomplish.