The New Testament Of Youth

Monday’s child is a pain in the neck Tuesday’s child is a nervous wreck Wednesday’s child is a complete farce Thursday’s child needs a kick up the arse Friday’s child is full of dope Saturday’s child has lost all hope Sunday’s child is serving life for killing someone with a knife.

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Would You Adam And Eve It

The battle of the sacred Y fronts versus the Holy knickers rages on in our church, it appears according to the dodgy brigade that the immaculate conception was a product of a hermaphrodite union. I wonder if the non so blinds will ever twig that lurking in our midst is a malevolence intent on kicking […]

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The Lion’s Den

There seems to be a burgeoning wave of discontent from women in the armed forces and police and fire services apparently from unwanted attention from their male colleagues from being “chatted up” to sexual assaults.  This puts a poor light on some men which to my mind is the domain of the weaker brained branch […]

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It’s No Yolk

I recently purchased a magazine which carried a free one inside subtitled “All you need to know about keeping chickens” such a battery of fowl knowledge would have left you with not much change from a fiver, had it not been given away. Its sixty page guide to the simplest example of animal husbandry in […]

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